The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and to implement reforms at the national level, with an emphasis on the green and digital transitions. The TSI also supports the preparation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans.
Initiated in 2021, the TSI is the successor of the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). Since 2017, both programmes have helped design, develop and implement over 1800 reform projects in 27 Member States.
Reform projects approved under the Technical Support Instrument
The Technical Support Instrument yearly cycle is launched during the dedicated TSI Annual Conference. In April 2024, High-Level representatives from the European Commission, Member States and other Institutions gathered to share their perspectives on how the TSI 2025 could support Member States for the successful design and implementation of resilience-enhancing reforms, and in particular Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change.
The conference also started the discussion with Member States on potential multi-country projects - geared at addressing common issues among Member States thereby emphasizing the EU added-value of the instrument - and presented a set of "Flagship" projects - supporting reforms which are largely needed across Member States and are in line with the EU priorities.
For 2024, the Commission approved the following 13 reform support projects for Croatia:
- Improving the assessment of the remaining work capacity of persons with disabilities for the purpose of their inclusion in the labour market
- Improving the use of financial services through enhanced digital financial literacy
- Modernization of accounting and state budget execution processes in Croatia
- Support for the policy framework of the offshore wind in Croatia
- Support to Introduction of Paperless Commercial Courts in Croatia
- Support to the System for Combatting Irregularities and Fraud related to EU Funds in Croatia
- Water loss reduction – Phase 2
Multi-country projects:
- Capacity enhancement for CCPs authorisation, supervision, recovery, and resolution
- Fighting bid rigging in public procurement: improving compliance and competition for public contracts
- Promoting the mental health of youth by addressing the risks of online gambling and gaming
- Enhancing the quality and use of tax information exchanged between Member States in the context of the Directive on Administrative Cooperation (DAC) in Croatia
- Support to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the National Action Plan for the European Child Guarantee in Croatia (NAP CG)
- Social Climate Plan for Croatia and implementation of the EU Emission Trading System
For 2023, the Commission approved the following 11 reform support projects for Croatia:
- Implementing the Barnahus model in Croatia
- Strengthening the application of ex-post evaluation in Croatia
- Reform of Civil Status Registries in Croatia using advanced technological solutions as a Precondition for a Modern and Agile Public Service
- Towards a strengthened Information Security Policy and the use of Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence in Croatian Customs
- State - owned property management optimization programme - 2nd Phase
Multi-country projects:
- PACE - Capacity building in preparation, management and monitoring of twinning and public technical cooperation instruments
- ESG risk management framework for the financial sector
- Integrated Firefighting Plan
- Improve the quality of multi-level governance and strenghtening the resilience of island economies of Croatia, Greece and Sweden
- Measuring Citizen’s Satisfaction with Key Government Services for Better Performance and Enhanced Trust
- EU Survey of Central Government Public Servants: Strengthening Evidence-based People Management Policies and Reforms
In 2022, the Commission approved 19 reform projects for Croatia:
- Supporting implementation of Innovation procurement in Croatia
- Implementation of Better Regulation policy based on the economic performance monitoring Strategy and digital SME Impact Assessment Test (C1.1.1.)
- Development of resilient, innovative, and human-centric digital government services Administrative burden reduction
- Advancing the strategic framework for the promotion of private investment
- Support to the tourism ecosystem: towards a more sustainable, resilient and digital tourism
- Digital by default - optimisation of efficiency and quality of judicial services and transparency of judicial decisions
- Development of National Loss Reduction Plan and capacity building among water suppliers
- Implementation of market conduct regulation and supervisory practices
- Support to the Implementation of the Just Transition
- Establishing a validation system of prior non-formal and informal learning in Croatia
- Support to establishment of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) in Croatia
- Enhancing fiscal sustainability of the healthcare system in Croatia
- Institutionalising high data quality management of business statistics in Croatian Customs
- Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of social policies
Multi-country projects:
- Integration of Third Country Nationals in Croatia
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - Croatian National Bank
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - Hanfa
- Support to REPowerEU
- Bridging the climate financing gap with public policy instruments
More information can be found in the 2022 Country Factsheets.
In 2021, the Commission approved the following 14 reform projects for Croatia:
- Technical support to collect, produce and disseminate accurate and complete macroeconomic statistics
- Assessing the digital readiness of Croatian Higher Education Institutions
- State property management optimization programme
- Data collection on performance of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt
- Development of the Coordination Mechanism to Support e- Governance Policy Coherence
- Development of the structural macroeconomic model for the Croatian economy
- Simplification and reduction of the administrative and financial burden on taxpayers
- Expanding and improving the utilization of telemedicine services
- Reorient Croatian development bank's (HBOR) operations towards sustainable financing and green transition
- Rule of law and fundamental rights promotion & modernisation of judicial processes
- Risk based supervision of anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism
- Strengthening the implementation of regulatory impact assessment
- Support for implementation of green transition measures under Croatia’s NRRP in the area of the reconstruction of buildings damaged by earthquakes
Multi-country projects:
- REFORM – Green Budgeting Framework Training Programme
More information can be found in the 2021 Country Factsheets.
Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) projects (2017-2020)
The TSI expands on the experience of the SRSP programme in building capacity in Member States. You can find the full list of SRSP projects here.
Highlighted projects

The Commission has provided technical support to several Member States to upgrade their teacher policies and support the implementation of curriculum reforms.

The European Commission provided support to establish a sound framework for the costing of government policies and improve administrative capacity and legislative framework in the strategic planning processes.

The Commission has provided evidence-based support for the revision of the Welfare Act with respect to elderly care, to better understand the care needs of the elderly and the type of care provided at home.
Want to find out more?
You can easily search projects from all Member States through the interactive map and learn more about reform projects.
National Coordinating Authority
Local presence in Croatia
Local presence is ensured through an office in the country. For more information, contact DG Reform:
REFORM-TSIec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Contact us)