The Technical Support Instrument (TSI) is the EU programme that provides tailor-made technical expertise to EU Member States to design and to implement reforms at the national level, with an emphasis on the green and digital transitions. The TSI also supports the preparation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans.
Initiated in 2021, the TSI is the successor of the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP). Since 2017, both programmes have helped design, develop and implement over 1800 reform projects in 27 Member States.
Reform projects approved under the Technical Support Instrument
The Technical Support Instrument yearly cycle is launched during the dedicated TSI Annual Conference. In May 2023, High-Level representatives from the European Commission, Member States and other Institutions gathered to share their perspectives on how the TSI 2024 could support Member States for the successful design and implementation of resilience-enhancing reforms, and in particular Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change.
The conference also started the discussion with Member States on potential multi-country projects - geared at addressing common issues among Member States thereby emphasizing the EU added-value of the instrument - and presented a set of "Flagship" projects - supporting reforms which are largely needed across Member States and are in line with the EU priorities.
For 2024, the Commission approved the following 12 reform support projects for Cyprus:
- Establishment of asset management office
- Formal establishment of the Secretariat for the Coordination and Support of the Government Programme (SCSGP) and structural review of the Cypriot Presidency
- Improving the CY Deposit Guarantee Scheme’s operational functions
- Reforming, developing and enhancing the civil protection system
- Support for the newly established Deputy Ministry of Migration and Asylum
- “Digitalization of the Law-making process through the, Development, usage and support of a Legislation Preparation Platform” follow on technical support
Multi-country projects:
- Gender mainstreaming in public policy and budget processes in Cyprus
- Building capacity in Cyprus to fight aggressive tax planning.
- Enhancing the National Strategy for preventing and combating irregularities and fraud affecting the financial interests of the European Union over the period 2021-2027
- Fighting bid rigging in public procurement: improving compliance and competition for public contracts
- Promoting the mental health of youth by addressing the risks of online gambling and gaming
- Technical support for more effective and resilient NPM (Implementing Parther: The Council of Europe)
For 2023, the Commission approved the following 14 reform support projects for Cyprus:
- Industrial ecosystems
- Migrant integration and talent attraction: Enhancing structures for intercultural integration
- Migrant integration and talent attraction: Capacity building for the Ministry of Interior
- Study of Floating Photovoltaic Installation in Dams and Reservoirs, Including Energy Storage Systems
- Youth FIRST - supporting children and youth wellbeing, education, training, social protection and labour prospects
Multi-country projects:
- PACE - Modernisation and restructuring of the Social Insurance System
- ESG risk management framework for the financial sector
- Completion, updating and harmonisation of National Resolution Handbook (NH) with the relevant legal framework and practices within the Banking Union (BU)
- Youth FIRST - supporting children and youth wellbeing, education, training, social protection and labour prospects
- Mapping competencies of national authorities in the area of implementation of EU restrictive measures. Best practices and legislative recommendations.
- Strengthening the capacity of Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFIs)
- Developing in-house capacity for Latvia and other Member States
- Communicating the benefits of the recovery and resilience plans to the general public
- Climate adaptation
In 2022, the Commission approved 11 reform projects for Cyprus:
- Customisation and implementation of the Financial Reporting and Consolidation tool for the transition to Accrual Accounting
- Set up of an Examination Centre for the Cyprus Public Service Commission
- Τechnical support for modernizing the MFA’s organisational structure and operational governance
- Support on aspects for deploying Renewable Energy Sources and the effective opening of the electricity market in Cyprus
- Support to the Renovation Wave
- Implementation of the National Strategy for the enhancement of Financial Literacy in Cyprus
- Supporting the expansion and strategic development of early childhood education and care in Cyprus
- Technical Support project on welcoming and “Integration of Third Country Nationals in Member States” – Dedicated in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Multi-country projects:
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - CBC
- EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy - CYSEC
- Support to REPowerEU
More information can be found in the 2022 Country Factsheets.
In 2021, the Commission approved the following 17 reform projects for Cyprus:
- Preparation and implementation of green taxation reform in Cyprus
- Technical support for strengthening the capacity of the Health Commissioner’s Office
- Creation of a National Promotion Agency
- Promoting Projects proposed by Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans of Limassol and Larnaca
- Support for the modernization and restructuring of the Social Insurance System
- Structuring and operating the Broadband Competence Office
- Data Driven Supervision
- Support for the preparation of a National Customs Single Window
- Update of Cyprus Energy and Climate policies
- Digitalisation of insolvency and creation of specialised courts to handle insolvency cases in Cyprus
- Improve implementation of policies to address school dropout - Phase 2
- Improve the Digital Skills of Adults in Cyprus
- Orounda livestock waste and animal by-product (ABP) management facilities with a biogas production plant
- Technical support for setting up One-Stop-Shops to facilitate Building Renovation and RES permitting in Cyprus
- Enhancing mass valuation analysis for property taxation
- Technical support for capacity building and methodological support for the effective preparation and implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan
Multi-country projects:
- Green Budgeting Framework Training Programme
More information can be found in the 2021 Country Factsheets.
Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP) projects (2017-2020)
The TSI expands on the experience of the SRSP programme in building capacity in Member States. You can find the full list of SRSP projects here.
Highlighted projects
The Commission supports 23 EU Member States to strengthen their capacity for greening public finances and to raise awareness of the EU Green Budgeting Reference Framework.
The Commission is supporting Cyprus in implementing its National Action Plan on the Integration of Third-Country Nationals 2020-2022, by empowering local authorities, NGOs, and migrant organisations to be part of the integration process.
The Commission supported national authorities in their efforts to centralise the administration of direct and indirect (VAT) taxation in one single tax department and improve the national tax collection system.