Læs de seneste nyheder om støttede reformprojekter i EU-landene finansieret via instrumentet for teknisk støtte. Press and Media cornerCaffè Europa – Radio RAI – talks about Piano Mattei and TSI support in Italy(ES) Bruselas.- Bruselas impulsará 170 proyectos de reformas en Europa, 13 españoles de energía limpia y digitalización(SI) STA.si https://www.sta.si/3260674/slovenija-del-evropskega-projekta-na-podrocju-dusevnega-zdravja-mladih(PT) Jornal de Negocios Bruxelas vai apoiar 170 reformas estruturais na UE este ano. Dezasseis são em Portugal - Fundos comunitários(PT) Eco.pt Comissão Europeia seleciona 16 projetos para promover reformas em Portugal – ECO(PT) LUSA Bruxelas dá assistência técnica a 16 projetos de reforma lançados por Portugal(IT) ANSA Dall'esecutivo europeo sostegno tecnico per l'attuazione del Piano Mattei - La tua Europa - Ansa.it(IT) Eunews Ferreira: "Italian requests for reform support a sign of responsibility" (eunews.it)(IT) Il Sud Governo, l'Ue sosterrà la realizzazione del Piano Mattei (ilsud24.it)(IT) Total EU News Coesione: Nava, "Dall'Ue sostegno tecnico per attuazione Piano Mattei"(CY) Kathimerin Cyprus Ferreira: Η ΕΕ θα πρέπει να επενδύσει στην πράσινη τεχνολογία και την AI, Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, kathimerini.com.cy(BG) BTA Bulgarian News Agency BTA: Bulgaria Receives EC Approval for Record Number of Digitalization and Environmental Protection Reforms Last Year(BE) Belga News Agency La Commission soutiendra techniquement cette année 12 projets de réforme en Belgique (emm4u.eu)(INT) AGENCE EUROPE - L'instrument TSI soutiendra en 2024 les réformes dans tous ... (agenceurope.eu)(INT) FINANCIAL TIMES - Why Brussels’ reform tsar wants a mindset change in EU capitals (ft.com)(INT) REUTERS EU admin needs to be fit for green, AI future, says top official(BE) The Commission helped Member States analysing and redesigning their energy strategy(IT) Supporting financial supervisory authorities in coping with the risks and opportunities of advanced technologies in the financial sector(IT) Italy is ready for the challenge of reformsStatement by Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira(IT) Structural reform support is key for the Next Generation EU(IT) REFORM support on Italian RRP and energy transition(CZ) REFORM expertise to end Czech Republic dependence on Russian energy(CY) Turkish Cypriot community to continue to benefit from Commission's Aid Programme(HR) SG REFORM has contributed to supporting Croatia on its successful path towards joining the eurozone(EL) Commission's continuous support to Greece to achieve key reforms(BG) Commission's support for Bulgaria's energy independence(BG) War in Ukraine showed the need for green transition to ensure energy independence(BG) Bulgaria copes well with refugee wave from Ukraine(IT) Vanity Fair Italy shines a light on SG REFORM project(IT) Financial education: REFORM project on the Italian press(ES) New national framework on family support and protection for Spain(BG) Bloomberg TV Bulgaria shines a light on SG REFORM(BE) Improving Public Private Partnership policy in Belgium(IT) SG REFORM supports Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan(IT) RAI TV shines a light on SG REFORM(IT) State of play of reforms in Italy(FR) Le Figaro highlights SG REFORM work, in particular in the context of the RRPs(IT) We are supporting Member States to achieve concrete results concrete results SG REFORM Director-General was interviewed by the Italian broadcaster Radio Rai on 1st October. (IT) Let's convert ideas into real projects(HR) SG REFORM have supported more than 80 reforms in Croatia(IT) The importance of making reforms(IT) UÈ! Che Podcast with SG REFORM Director-General
Læs de seneste nyheder om støttede reformprojekter i EU-landene finansieret via instrumentet for teknisk støtte.